Friday, November 14, 2008

Kids..what a joy

So, I just had to share some conversations I have had lately with the kids.

K2: "mommy, I wonder who J will marry when he gets older?"
me: "I don't know"
K2: "why not, you know everything"
me: "I don't know who he will marry or who you or S will marry"
K2: "I am going to marry S"
me: "well she is your sister, so you can not marry her"
K2: "but I love her and you love daddy"
me: "I know you love her, but she is your sister and we just don't do that"
K2: "you made me sad mommy:
me: "I am sorry that you are sad, but you will find someone when you get older that you love even more then you love S"
K2: "no I won't"

It makes me very happy that he loves his sister so much. Flash forward about 10 min.

K2: "S, stop talking to me"
S: "please leave me alone"
K2: "I don't love you anymore and you are not my friend"

As you can tell they have a love hate relationship, like most sibilings I know.
Here is another one for you.

me: "J, please stop hitting S"
J: "no way"
me: " J, we do not talk that way"
J: "pooh pooh"
me: "okay J you need time out, let's go"
J: "no way, pooh pooh"
K2: "J, if you tell her your sorry, she will let you out and you won't get the spice"
J: "ok, I sorry mommy"
K2: "That is good, you don't want the spice"
J: "no way pooh pooh"
K2: "oh well, you need spice to make you not say bad words"
K2: "mom go ahead and spice him"

Just so you know, we have tried everything to get K2 to not call people names. After time outs and taking things away I resorted to cayenne pepper. K2 can not stand it and he has done really well. J has started with the name calling and so he has gotten it a couple of times. Please don't think I am mean, I just have to stick with what works.


Jo-Anne said...

I got cayene pepper on my tounge once. That's all it took.
(Now I just mutter bad words under my breath so no one can hear me....don't tell your kids about that!) :):):)

Tennille said...

Better be careful--what if both K2 and J develop a love for cayenne pepper?! Then you'll really be in trouble. :)

kingwritergirl said...

We used black pepper on Sarah when she had a spitting problem. It worked! In fact it worked so well she refuses to eat anythign with black pepper. Anything that has little black dots in it she won't even try.
So fun!

Juliana said...

Excellent plan. I think I'm going to go restock my spice cupboard.

You think I'm joking, don't you? :-D

Shauna said...

LOL. . .your kids are too funny. I use tabasco sauce!

J Glazier said...

Love the cayene pepper idea. We've used tabasco sauce a few times and it worked like a charm. It's called WHINING Medicine at our house :) Our kids have serious love/hate relationships too!

Tricia said...

So funny! Glad someone else uses cayenne... it's a regular around here... and it's GOOD for them to boot - not like that old 'washing your mouth out with soap' I got when I was little!

Sabine Berlin said...

WE used Tabasco for all three kids. Worked wonders. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!

Anonymous said...

I have used cocoa. It is nasty and bitter and sticks all over their mouth :-)
Cheers to whatever works!

Dani said...

This week Marissa started saying some really mean things, so I threatened it once and even the threat worked! I'm not afraid to try it if I need to!