Wednesday, November 19, 2008


It is hard to believe that a year has gone by since Sharon passed away. This picture was taken about 2 months before she passed away. She was diagnosed in May 2006 with Brain Cancer and given no more than 4 years to live. A year and a half later we would be saying our goodbye's. Over that year and a half she had several surgeries and took countless amounts of drug's and even endured chemo and radiation treatment's. It was not an easy time for her or the family, but through it all she kept her sense of humor. Not a day goes by that I am not reminded of her strength, wisdom and humor. Over the last year I have watched her boys struggle in school and with their dad. I have also watched her husband grow in a role he never thought possible. I have seen her parents shed so many tears of watching their only daughter pass before them. I have seen her brothers struggle to make sense of this and share so many wonderful stories about their sister. I too have shed tears for her and still laugh at the stories she could tell. I have felt her presence at certain times and her courage has gotten me through some tough times. K1 and others have noticed bits of Sharon in S and so much of Sharon in seen in her boys. I can have peace in knowing she is not suffering and she is waiting to greet me with open arms when my time comes.

As our family celebrates the birth of a new little girl, that carries her Aunt's name, we will never forget the sorrow of this day, but look forward to living righteously and being together as a family once more.


Tennille said...

I was just thinking of her the other day and marveling that it had been almost a year.I think it's wonderful that K1's brother and his wife chose Sharon as the middle name for their little girl. What a sweet tribute to a wonderful woman.

J Glazier said...

Beautiful tribute to her life and thats so special the new baby in the family carries on her name.

Jo-Anne said...

This is a touching post. How honored Sharon must be to have someone named after her.
Take care.