Wednesday, March 19, 2008


So my kids love lunch, but they always want the same thing..peanut butter and honey sandwich. So I decided to let them pick a few items from the pantry and create there own sandwich. Here is what they came up with; peanut butter, jelly, honey, raisins, chocolate chips and marshmellows. K2 put everything inside and S only did pb&h inside and made a face with the other items. Although, I would not eat this, they enjoyed being creative and eating their if this would only work with vegetables.


Hassingers said...

I am with you. Jace is always PB and honey and Hannah is always ham and cheese. Way to break out of the mold S and K2. :)

Tennille said...

What a creative mom you are!

kami @ said...

Mmmm, delicious and nutritious! Avery would so dig a lunch like that. :)

kingwritergirl said...

How cute! What a fun mom you are

Sabine Berlin said...

When I was little I used to make Happy Sandwiches with whatever was in the fridge. Meat, Mayo, Peanut Butter, all together, so these one didn't look half bad.